Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Fifteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. thick
  2. brick
  3. quick
  4. pride
  5. stride
  6. wide
  7. nutrition
  8. mineral
  9. zinc
  10. retinol
  1. carotene
  2. beta
  3. relaxation
  4. flexibility
  5. stamina
  6. endurance
  7. strength
  8. physical
  9. exercise
  10. athlete
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the -ick and -ide letter patterns. Here are some more words with these letter patterns:

	picker			stick			sickening

	flick			trick			wick

	cider			wider			hide

	bride			side			guide

Another letter pattern which occurs in some of the words in this list is the -en letter pattern.

	carotene		endurance		strength

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