Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Fourteen, Lesson Two: Palindromes

  1. screw
  2. stew
  3. threw
  4. slice
  5. twice
  6. price
  7. vitamin
  8. calorie
  9. protein
  10. carbohydrate
  1. lipids
  2. fatty
  3. acid
  4. energy
  5. acorn
  6. larvae
  7. bison
  8. diet
  9. consume
  10. poisonous

Phrases can also be palindromes:

	Step on no pets			My gym

	Live not on evil		Dumb mud

	Evil rats on no star live	Evil Olive

Spaces, punctuation, and capitalization are ignored in palindrome phrases.

Here are a few more palindromes:

	Senile felines			Was it a car or a cat I saw?

	Was it a rat I saw?		Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?

	Put Eliot's toilet up		No lemon, no melon

	A man, a plan, a canal, Panama		Now I won

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