Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Fourteen, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. screw
  2. stew
  3. threw
  4. slice
  5. twice
  6. price
  7. vitamin
  8. calorie
  9. protein
  10. carbohydrate
  1. lipids
  2. fatty
  3. acid
  4. energy
  5. acorn
  6. larvae
  7. bison
  8. diet
  9. consume
  10. poisonous
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the -ew and -ice letter patterns.

	screw			stew			threw

	slice			twice			price

Another letter pattern which occurs in some of the words in this list is the -te letter pattern.

	stew			carbohydrate		protein


Palindromes are words which read the same backwards as forwards. Here are some words which are palindromes:

	peep			did			eye

	mom			pop			repaper

Phrases can also be palindromes:

	Step on no pets			My gym

	Live not on evil		Dumb mud

	Evil rats on no star live	Evil Olive

Spaces, punctuation, and capitalization are ignored in palindrome phrases

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