Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Fourteen, Lesson Three: Prefixes

  1. screw
  2. stew
  3. threw
  4. slice
  5. twice
  6. price
  7. vitamin
  8. calorie
  9. protein
  10. carbohydrate
  1. lipids
  2. fatty
  3. acid
  4. energy
  5. acorn
  6. larvae
  7. bison
  8. diet
  9. consume
  10. poisonous
Prefixes: Para and Poly

The prefix para- means beside, beyond, by, protect from, or almost. Here are some words beginning with the prefix para-.

	parachute		paraglide		parasite

	paraphrase		paradise		paradox

	paragraph		parallel		paranoid

	paramedic		paralysis		parable

	parasol			paramecium		paraprofessional

Here are the meanings of some of these words:

	parallel - two lines beside each other

	parasol - protects from the sun (like a small umbrella)

	paramedic - almost a doctor

	paragraph - to write beside

	paradise - beyond this world

	parachute - protects from falling too fast

	parasite - an organism that lives on another organism

The word paragraph comes from two Greek words which mean "to write beside". Greek writers used to put a little symbol next places in a long text where they were beginning to write about a new subject.

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