The prefix ambi- means both or around. Some words which begin with the prefix ambi- include:
ambiance ambivalent ambiguous ambiguity ambition ambient ambidextrous
The prefix bi- means two. Some words which begin with the prefix bi- include:
bicycle biplane bipartisan biped bilingual bilateral bicentennial biweekly bimonthly biennial
There are many kinds of codes. One which was very useful in the past is the Morse code.
A .- |
B -... |
C -.-. |
D -.. |
E . |
F ..-. |
G --. |
H .... |
I .. | |
J .--- |
K -.- |
L .-.. |
M -- |
N -. |
O --- |
P .--. |
Q --.- |
R .-. | |
S ... |
T _ |
U ..- |
V ...- |
W .-- |
X -..- |
Y -.-- |
Z --.. |