Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Three: Prefixes: Ambi and Bi

  1. cell
  2. smell
  3. yell
  4. spend
  5. blend
  6. trend
  7. ghost
  8. deserted
  9. abandon
  10. ruins
  1. remnant
  2. claim
  3. prospect
  4. marker
  5. membrane
  6. organelle
  7. chloroplast
  8. nucleus
  9. mitochondria
  10. cytosol
Prefixes: Bi-

The prefix bi- means two. Some words which begin with the prefix bi- include:

	bicycle			biplane			bipartisan

	biped			bilingual		bilateral

	bicentennial		biweekly		bimonthly


Here are the meanings of some of these words beginning with the bi- prefix:

	bicycle - human-powered vehicle with two wheels

	biplane - an airplane with two wings

	biped - walks on two legs

	bilingual - knowing two languages

	bicentennial - two hundred years

	biennial - two years

	bimonthly - twice a month

	biweekly - twice a week

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