Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Two: Adjectives and Adverbs

  1. request
  2. western
  3. testing
  4. wetter
  5. letter
  6. reset
  7. chemical
  8. element
  9. formula
  10. period
  1. chart
  2. oxygen
  3. oxide
  4. iron
  5. alloy
  6. calcium
  7. chloride
  8. silver
  9. gold
  10. copper

Adjectives modify verbs. That means that adverbs help to describe verbs. They provide us with more information about how something was done.

For instance, consider how the following adjectives might give us more information about someone walking down the road.

	Jill was _______ walking down the road.

	slowly			rapidly			carefully

	quietly			clumsily		independently

	timidly			bravely			powerfully

Each of these adverbs give us a different picture of how Jill is walking (and what kind of road she is walking on). For instance, if she is carefully walking down the road, we might picture the road as being full of pot holes or other obstacles (in which case we might expect more details about these conditions in the following sentences if this sentence were part of a story).

Often we can create adverbs from adjectives:

		 quiet			 quietly
		 brave			 bravely
		 timid			 timidly
		 slow			 slowly
		 quick			 quickly
		 stubborn		 stubbornly

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