Language Arts Grade Six
Unit Thirteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns
- request
- western
- testing
- wetter
- letter
- reset
- chemical
- element
- formula
- period
- chart
- oxygen
- oxide
- iron
- alloy
- calcium
- chloride
- silver
- gold
- copper
Letter Patterns
Double letters occur in a few words in this list:
wetter letter alloy
Several words from this list contain affixes. Remember that suffixes and
prefixes are affixes.
wet + er = wetter re + quest = request
re + set = reset test + ing = testing
west + ern = western
The words "copper" and "letter" are not made by adding an affix to a root
word as is the case for the five examples shown above. Although adding "er"
to "cop" would produce "copper" after doubling the "p" in "cop", the
meanings of "cop" and "copper" are unrelated and so "cop" is not the root
word of "copper". The same can be said for "let" and "letter".
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