Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Twelve, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. cell
  2. smell
  3. yell
  4. spend
  5. blend
  6. trend
  7. ghost
  8. deserted
  9. abandon
  10. ruins
  1. remnant
  2. claim
  3. prospect
  4. marker
  5. membrane
  6. organelle
  7. chloroplast
  8. nucleus
  9. mitochondria
  10. cytosol
Nouns and Verbs

A noun names a person, place, or thing. Many nouns are common objects such as the following items:

	guitar			car			tree

	street			flower			chair

Proper nouns are specific individuals or locations:

	Boise			Mr. Jones		Bob

	Nevada			Canada			Borah Peak

Verbs are action words. Here are some verbs:

	run		ran		running		runs

	hike		hiked		hiking		hikes

	drink		drank		drinking	drinks

Verbs have different forms called tenses which help to indicate if something is happening in the present, the past, or some time in the future.


Idioms are expressions which have a meaning which is not the same as the meaning of its actual words. There are many common idioms which you have probably heard many times. Here are a few examples:

grab a bite			get something to eat
catch some Zs			sleep for a while or take a nap
bent out of shape		needlessly worried about something
hit the hay			go to bed or go to sleep
threw in the towel		to give up
went out on a limb		take a risk
sleep on it			take at least a day to think about something 
				before making a decision

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