Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Twelve, Lesson Four: Idioms

  1. cell
  2. smell
  3. yell
  4. spend
  5. blend
  6. trend
  7. ghost
  8. deserted
  9. abandon
  10. ruins
  1. remnant
  2. claim
  3. prospect
  4. marker
  5. membrane
  6. organelle
  7. chloroplast
  8. nucleus
  9. mitochondria
  10. cytosol

Here are some more idioms and their meanings:

zip your lip			keep something secret
wet behind the ears		inexperienced
a quick study			a fast learner
nuke				cook in a microwave oven
lend someone a hand		help someone
jump the gun			do something before it's time to do it
drag one's feet			take longer than necessary to do something
couch potato			someone who spends too much time watching TV
to feel blue			to feel sad or depressed
fender-bender			automobile accident
get on one's nerves		irritate someone
pull someone's leg		tease someone
state of the art		using the latest technology
cutting edge			newest technology
on the dot			exactly
ghost of a chance		very slim chance

Here are a few of these idioms used in sentences:

  Joe nuked a frozen dinner for himself.

  Jack always drags his feet when it's exercise time.

  Doug's uncle had a little fender-bender last week.

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