Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Twelve, Lesson Two: Prefixes: Mid- and Micro-

  1. cell
  2. smell
  3. yell
  4. spend
  5. blend
  6. trend
  7. ghost
  8. deserted
  9. abandon
  10. ruins
  1. remnant
  2. claim
  3. prospect
  4. marker
  5. membrane
  6. organelle
  7. chloroplast
  8. nucleus
  9. mitochondria
  10. cytosol
Prefixes: Micro-

The prefix micro- means small. Here are some words which contain the micro- prefix:

	microscope		microorganism		microphone

	microfilm		microwave		microsecond

	microbe			microscopic		microbiology

Here are the meanings of some of these words beginning with the micro- prefix:

	microscope - an instrument for looking at something very small

	microorganism - a very small organism

	microbe - a germ or some other very small organism

	microbiology - branch of biology studying very small organisms

	microwave - very short electromagnetic wave

	microphone - an instrument to record sound waves

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