Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Twelve, Lesson Three: Nouns and Verbs

  1. cell
  2. smell
  3. yell
  4. spend
  5. blend
  6. trend
  7. ghost
  8. deserted
  9. abandon
  10. ruins
  1. remnant
  2. claim
  3. prospect
  4. marker
  5. membrane
  6. organelle
  7. chloroplast
  8. nucleus
  9. mitochondria
  10. cytosol

A noun names a person, place, or thing. Many nouns are common objects such as the following items:

	book			can			shovel

	guitar			car			tree

	street			flower			chair

Proper nouns are specific individuals or locations:

	Boise			Mr. Jones		Bob

	Larry			Beth			Dr. Smith

	Nevada			Canada			Borah Peak

	Snake River		Flathead Lake		Joe's Market

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