Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eleven, Lesson Three: Verb Agreement

  1. week
  2. creek
  3. cheek
  4. bleed
  5. greed
  6. speed
  7. insects
  8. animals
  9. reptiles
  10. amphibians
  1. birds
  2. fish
  3. bacteria
  4. plants
  5. ferns
  6. pines
  7. flowering
  8. seedless
  9. classify
  10. category
Verb Agreement

Subjects, as you know, can contain more than a single word:

	The dog runs in the backyard.
	The dogs run in the backyard.
When our subject is only a singular noun we use one form of the verb. When there are two or more things being talked about in our subject, we just a different form of the verb.

Here are some more examples:

	Joe yells all the time.
	Joe, Ray, and Sue yell all the time.

	Jill paints the fence every three years.
	John and Harry paint the fence every three years.

	The tree gives us lots of shade.
	The trees give us lots of shade.

Here is a practice problem for you to answer:

	Pick the correct verb:

	The dogs (eat/eats) dinner when their owner fills their bowls.

	ANSWER: eat

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