Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eleven, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. week
  2. creek
  3. cheek
  4. bleed
  5. greed
  6. speed
  7. insects
  8. animals
  9. reptiles
  10. amphibians
  1. birds
  2. fish
  3. bacteria
  4. plants
  5. ferns
  6. pines
  7. flowering
  8. seedless
  9. classify
  10. category
Letter Patterns

The following words from this unit have double letters:

	week			creek			cheek

	bleed			greed			speed

	seedless		classify

Most of these words contain double e's, but two words contain double s's. The word "seedless" contains both a double e and a double s.

Nine words from this list end with the letter s:

	insects			animals			reptiles

	amphibians		birds			plants

	ferns			pines			seedless

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