Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eleven, Lesson Four: Foreign Words and Phrases

  1. week
  2. creek
  3. cheek
  4. bleed
  5. greed
  6. speed
  7. insects
  8. animals
  9. reptiles
  10. amphibians
  1. birds
  2. fish
  3. bacteria
  4. plants
  5. ferns
  6. pines
  7. flowering
  8. seedless
  9. classify
  10. category
Foreign Words and Phrases

You have probably heard people talking in foreign languages which you do not understand. But you know that all people need words for common things like numbers, days of the week, days of the month, and common words like please, thank-you, and hello. We're not going to discuss why there are so many different languages, but we are going to look at a few common words in English, French, German, and Spanish.

First of all, here are some ways of saying please, thank-you, hello, and good-bye in these languages:

FRENCHs'il vous plaitmercibonjourau revoir
GERMANbittedankehalloauf Wiedersehen
SPANISHpor favorgraciasholaadios
Counting is another activity which must be done in all languages. Here are the first ten numbers in English, French, German, and Spanish:
Here are the days of the week:
EnglishMondayTuesdayWednesday ThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
French:lundimardimercredi jeudivendredisamedidimanche
German:MontagDienstagMittwoch DonnerstagFreitagSamstagSonntag
Spanishlunesmartesmiercoles juevesviernessabadodomingo
Here are the months of the year:
EnglishJanuaryFebruaryMarch AprilMayJuneJulyAugust SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Frenchjanvierfevriermarsavril maijuinjuilletaoutseptembre octobrenovembredecembre
GermanJanuarFebruarMarz AprilMaiJuniJuli AugustSeptemberOktoberNovember Dezember
Spanishenerofebreromarzo abrilmayojuniojulioagosto septiembreoctubrenoviembrediciembre
Before going on to the next page study the ways of saying hello, good-bye, please, and thank-you in each language. (But you will also need to recall a few numbers, days of weeks, and months of year for the last activity of this lesson.)

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