There are a lot of color words you can use in your writing to make your descriptions more vivid and interesting to the reader. Here are some well-known color words (and a color sample to go along with each:
red | |
green | |
blue | |
yellow | |
orange | |
black | |
white | |
gray | |
magenta | |
cyan | |
chartreuse | |
maroon | |
olive | |
gold | |
lemon | |
purple | |
lapis blue | |
aqua | |
aquamarine | |
azure | |
beige | |
bisque | |
blueviolet | |
brown | |
chocolate | |
crimson | |
firebrick | |
fuchsia | |
hotpink | |
indigo | |
khaki | |
lavender | |
limegreen | |
navy | |
orchid | |
salmon | |
sienna | |
skyblue | |
turquoise | |
Here are some commonly used symbols which you should be familiar with:
$ dollar sign @ at sign # hash mark % percent sign & and symbol = equal sign ? question mark + plus sign * asterisk > greater than < less than ^ carot ~ tilde ! exclamation mark - dash _ underscore / slash : colon ¢ cent sign © copyright symbols ® registered symbol ¶ paragraph sign trademark symbol ÷ division sign