Here are some more colors:
aqua | |
aquamarine | |
azure | |
beige | |
bisque | |
blueviolet | |
brown | |
chocolate | |
crimson | |
firebrick | |
fuchsia | |
hotpink | |
indigo | |
khaki | |
lavender | |
limegreen | |
navy | |
orchid | |
salmon | |
sienna | |
skyblue | |
turquoise | |
Using exact color names is a great idea as long as you use names that are likely to be known to your reader. For instance, there's a good chance that your reader would not know the colors azure, bisque, or sienna. This is where you need to know your audience so that you can choose words which are appropriate for them.
Finally here are a couple sample sentences using imprecise and precise color words:
The flowers were a shade of blue. The flowers were dark lavender. She wore a redish blouse. She wore a hot pink blouse. He painted the dog house red. He painted the dog house brick red.