Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Nine, Lesson Four: Prefixes: Pre- and Post-

  1. squeal
  2. deal
  3. meal
  4. dream
  5. stream
  6. cream
  7. speak
  8. structure
  9. building
  10. dwelling
  1. house
  2. shack
  3. cabin
  4. hut
  5. disease
  6. membrane
  7. microscope
  8. microorganism
  9. bacteria
  10. virus
Prefixes: Pre- and Post-

The prefix post- after, behind, or following. Here are some words which begin with the prefix post-:

	postwar			postmortem		posthumous

	posterior		postnatal		postpone

	postscript		postgraduate		postdate

	posthypnotic		postdoctoral		postnasal

Here are some sample meanings of words which begin with the prefix post-:

	postwar - after a war

	postmortem - after death

	postgraduate - after graduating

	postnasal - behind the nose

	posterior - located behind or at the end of something

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