Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Nine, Lesson Two: Beginning and Ending Letters

  1. squeal
  2. deal
  3. meal
  4. dream
  5. stream
  6. cream
  7. speak
  8. structure
  9. building
  10. dwelling
  1. house
  2. shack
  3. cabin
  4. hut
  5. disease
  6. membrane
  7. microscope
  8. microorganism
  9. bacteria
  10. virus
Beginning and Ending Letters

Here are some more words which begin and end with the same letter:

	area			xerox			nun

	noon			momentum		window

	widow			label			going

	dried			thought			growing

	talent			dripped			cyclic

	transparent		translucent		transport

	transplant		caloric			rider

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