Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Nine, Lesson Four: Prefixes: Pre- and Post-

  1. squeal
  2. deal
  3. meal
  4. dream
  5. stream
  6. cream
  7. speak
  8. structure
  9. building
  10. dwelling
  1. house
  2. shack
  3. cabin
  4. hut
  5. disease
  6. membrane
  7. microscope
  8. microorganism
  9. bacteria
  10. virus
Prefixes: Pre- and Post-

The prefix pre- means before, in front of, or in advance. Here are some words which begin with the prefix pre-:

	preschool		prepaid			prepare

	predict			precaution		preamble

	preserve		precook			prefix

Here are some sample meanings of words which begin with the prefix pre-:

	preschool = school attended before regular school

	prepaid = paid in advance

	precook = cooking done before regular cooking

	precaution = caution taken before an action

	prefix = word part added in front of base word

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