Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Nine, Lesson Three: Analogies

  1. squeal
  2. deal
  3. meal
  4. dream
  5. stream
  6. cream
  7. speak
  8. structure
  9. building
  10. dwelling
  1. house
  2. shack
  3. cabin
  4. hut
  5. disease
  6. membrane
  7. microscope
  8. microorganism
  9. bacteria
  10. virus

Here are some analogy puzzles involving plants:

	The roots are to a plant as a cellar is to a _________.

	The stem is to a flower as a pole is to a ________.

	Green is to leaf as ______ is to sky.

ANSWERS: house, flag, blue.

Here are a few food analogies:

	Banana is to split as strawberry is to _________.

	Lemon is to juice as carrot is to _________.

	Prunes are to plums as raisons are to _________.

ANSWERS: shortcake, cake, grapes

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