Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eight, Lesson Four: Exact Words

  1. bread
  2. spread
  3. thread
  4. weak
  5. sneak
  6. peak
  7. skiing
  8. recreation
  9. board
  10. resort
  1. depth
  2. drift
  3. chlorophyll
  4. cells
  5. chemical
  6. photosynthesis
  7. sucrose
  8. glucose
  9. fructose
  10. sugar
Exact Words

There are many words which can serve as alternatives to said. Here are a few more:

 	moaned			complained		warned

	boasted			exclaimed		snapped

	declared		shrieked		suggested

	recited			demanded		teased

	groaned			sighed			insinuated
You can also increase the exactness of your words through the use of adverbs. Here are some adverbs you could use with said to get across the way someone said something.

	excitedly		loudly			kindly

	impatiently		quietly			angrily

	menacingly		wisely			rapidly

Here are a couple examples of sentences using adverbs with said:

  "Please call me when you get home.". said Sue kindly.

  "How much longer before the pizza is done?", said Jack impatiently.

  "Stop that right this instant!", said Jack's mother angrily.

There are many ways to get across exact meaning. Using exact words and using adverbs are two ways which may help with this.

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