Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eight, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. bread
  2. spread
  3. thread
  4. weak
  5. sneak
  6. peak
  7. skiing
  8. recreation
  9. board
  10. resort
  1. depth
  2. drift
  3. chlorophyll
  4. cells
  5. chemical
  6. photosynthesis
  7. sucrose
  8. glucose
  9. fructose
  10. sugar
Letter Patterns

A few words from this list contain three consonants in a row:

	spread			thread			depth

	chlorophyll		cells			photosynthesis
Two words contain the ph- letter pattern. Remember that the ph- pattern makes the same sound as the letter f.

	chlorophyll		photosynthesis

One word from this list is five syllables long:


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