Language Arts Grade Six
Unit Eight, Lesson Two: VVC Letter Pattern
- bread
- spread
- thread
- weak
- sneak
- peak
- skiing
- recreation
- board
- resort
- depth
- drift
- chlorophyll
- cells
- chemical
- photosynthesis
- sucrose
- glucose
- fructose
- sugar
The VVC Letter Pattern
This list contains several words with the VVC letter pattern. Remember any
word which contains two vowels followed by a consonant fits this pattern:
bread spread thread
weak sneak peak
skiing recreat ion board
Several words from unit seven also fit this pattern:
snail pail quail
sprain grain brain
national chain competition
Sometimes it is said that a word only fits the VVC letter pattern if the
letters that make up the VVC letter pattern occur in the same syllable. We
don't enforce this requirement in this lesson. For this reason "skiing" is
considered to contain the VVC letter pattern eventhough the two vowels are
technically in different syllables.
Similarly, board is considered to have the VVC pattern although some might
claim that it follows the VVCC pattern since the r and d at the end of board
work together to make one sound. Again, we don't enforce this requirement
and so the VVC letter pattern within board counts.
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