Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Eight, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. bread
  2. spread
  3. thread
  4. weak
  5. sneak
  6. peak
  7. skiing
  8. recreation
  9. board
  10. resort
  1. depth
  2. drift
  3. chlorophyll
  4. cells
  5. chemical
  6. photosynthesis
  7. sucrose
  8. glucose
  9. fructose
  10. sugar
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the ead and eak letter patterns. Here are some more words with these letter patterns:

	tread			lead			dead

	head			leak			freak

	speaker			break			bead
Notice the last two examples on this list. Most the the words containing "ead" have short e sounds, but "bead" has a long e sound. Also most of the words containing "eak" have long e sounds, but "break" has a short e sound.

Another letter pattern which occurs a few times in this unit is the ose letter pattern.

	sucrose			glucose			fructose

The -ose letter pattern at the end of these words indicate that these are all names for sugars.

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