Language Arts Grade Six
Unit Eight, Lesson One: Letter Patterns
- bread
- spread
- thread
- weak
- sneak
- peak
- skiing
- recreation
- board
- resort
- depth
- drift
- chlorophyll
- cells
- chemical
- photosynthesis
- sucrose
- glucose
- fructose
- sugar
Letter Patterns
This list contains several words with the ead and eak letter patterns.
Here are some more words with these letter patterns:
tread lead dead
head leak freak
speaker break bead
Notice the last two examples on this list. Most the the words containing
"ead" have short e sounds, but "bead" has a long e sound. Also most of the
words containing "eak" have long e sounds, but "break" has a short e sound.
Another letter pattern which occurs a few times in this unit is the ose
letter pattern.
The -ose letter pattern at the end of these words indicate that these are
all names for sugars.
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