Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Seven, Lesson Four: Categories and Classification

  1. snail
  2. pail
  3. quail
  4. sprain
  5. brain
  6. grain
  7. national
  8. ecosystem
  9. cycle
  10. system
  1. habitat
  2. producers
  3. decomposers
  4. herbivores
  5. community
  6. niche
  7. consumers
  8. chain
  9. competition
  10. carnivores
Categories and Classification

Sometimes members of one category will also fit into other categories as well. Here is an example:

	CATEGORY: Animals
	ITEMS BELONGING TO CATEGORY: rats, snakes, turtles, deer, dogs.

	CATEGORY: Mammals

As you can see rats, deer, and dogs belong to both the category called animals and the category called mammals.

It is also possible to pick a category for an item.

  CATEGORIES: tools, furniture, mammals, food.

  Pick the best category for the following item:


Of the categories you have to select from, "tools" is the best category for hammer.

Here's another example:

  CATEGORIES: insects, clothing, sports, desserts.

  Pick the best category for the following item:


Clearly a basketball is not an example of an insect, clothing, or a dessert. The best category for basketball is "sports".

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