Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Seven, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. snail
  2. pail
  3. quail
  4. sprain
  5. brain
  6. grain
  7. national
  8. ecosystem
  9. cycle
  10. system
  1. habitat
  2. producers
  3. decomposers
  4. herbivores
  5. community
  6. niche
  7. consumers
  8. chain
  9. competition
  10. carnivores
Unit Review

This list contains several words with the ail and ain letter patterns.

	snail			pail			quail

	sprain			grain			brain


The ain and ail letter patterns are often found at the end of words.

Another letter pattern which occurs a few times in this unit is the co letter pattern.

	ecosystem		decomposers		community

	consumers		competition		

The co letter pattern is found at the beginning of many words, but it also occurs quite often at the beginning of syllables within words.

Blended Words

Blended words combine the meanings of two words into one new word. Some blended words are so commonly used that we don't even realize that they are actually made up of two words which have been blended. Here are some examples of blended words:

	breakfast + lunch = brunch

	fourteen + nights = fortnight

	gleam + shimmer = glimmer

	motor + hotel = motel

	of + the + clock = o'clock

	smoke + fog = smog

Another name for blended words is portmanteau words.

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