Language Arts Grade Six
Unit Seven, Lesson One: Letter Patterns
- snail
- pail
- quail
- sprain
- brain
- grain
- national
- ecosystem
- cycle
- system
- habitat
- producers
- decomposers
- herbivores
- community
- niche
- consumers
- chain
- competition
- carnivores
Letter Patterns
This list contains several words with the ail and ain letter patterns.
Here are some more words with the ail and ain letter patterns:
nail tail trail
bail stain rain
train strained hail
The ain and ail letter patterns are often found at the end of words.
Another letter pattern which occurs a few times in this unit is the co
letter pattern.
ecosystem decomposers community
consumers competition
The co letter pattern is found at the beginning of many words, but it also
occurs quite often at the beginning of syllables within words.
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