Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Six, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. mask
  2. trash
  3. flash
  4. gash
  5. flask
  6. geology
  7. landforms
  8. basin
  9. range
  10. plateau
  1. valley
  2. summit
  3. pass
  4. trail
  5. route
  6. survive
  7. beaver
  8. trapper
  9. individual
  10. rugged
Letter Patterns

Consider this word from the list:


The last three letters are "eau". It is fairly uncommon to see three vowels in a row like this. Another word containing the "eau" letter pattern is "beauty".

Five words from this list contain double letters:

	valley			summit			pass

	trapper			rugged

One word form this list is five syllables long:


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