Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Six, Lesson Three: Adjectives

  1. mask
  2. trash
  3. flash
  4. gash
  5. flask
  6. geology
  7. landforms
  8. basin
  9. range
  10. plateau
  1. valley
  2. summit
  3. pass
  4. trail
  5. route
  6. survive
  7. beaver
  8. trapper
  9. individual
  10. rugged

Adjectives are words which modify nouns. In the following sentences the adjectives are underlined:

  Sally took the dirty clothes to the laundry.

  Harry fed his hungry snake some crickets.

  Sue will write a nice letter to her grandmother.

Here are some more adjectives:

	big			tiny			ugly

	wonderful		smelly			enormous

	funny			odd			refreshing

	neat			sloppy			bad

	colorful		entertaining		messy


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