Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Five, Lesson Four: Synonyms and Antonyms

  1. clamp
  2. damp
  3. stamp
  4. tramp
  5. hamper
  6. weather
  7. clouds
  8. storm
  9. hurricane
  10. tornado
  1. humidity
  2. intense
  3. pressure
  4. colonize
  5. expedition
  6. territory
  7. expand
  8. settle
  9. mission
  10. explorers
Synonyms and Antonyms

You can create lists of synonyms for many words. Here are some examples:

  song melody tune ballad serenade

  sad unhappy depressed despondent gloomy miserable

  happy glad elated thrilled cheerful

  angry annoyed irritated mad agitated

You can also create lists of antonyms for a single word:

  fat: skinny, thin, slender

  mean: friendly, nice, courteous, polite, kind

  sad: happy, glad, cheerful

  large: small, tiny, puny, miniature

  hot: chilly, cold, cool, freezing

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