Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Five, Lesson Four: Synonyms and Antonyms

  1. clamp
  2. damp
  3. stamp
  4. tramp
  5. hamper
  6. weather
  7. clouds
  8. storm
  9. hurricane
  10. tornado
  1. humidity
  2. intense
  3. pressure
  4. colonize
  5. expedition
  6. territory
  7. expand
  8. settle
  9. mission
  10. explorers
Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms are words which have the same meaning. Antonyms are words which have opposite meanings. Therefore, synonyms and antonyms are antonyms of each other.

Here are some pairs of antonyms:

	hot-cold		tall-short		mean-nice

	rough-smooth		ugly-pretty		cowardly-brave

	new-old			young-old		better-worse

	quiet-loud		fat-thin		hungry-full

	alive-dead		dark-bright		rich-poor

Here are some pairs of synonyms:

	odd-strange		skinny-thin		obese-fat

	small-tiny		ancient-old		close-near

	clear-transparent	tasty-delicious		large-big

	enormous-huge		hold-grasp		lucious-appetizing

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