Language Arts Grade Six
Unit Four, Lesson Five: Unit Review
- flake
- bake
- mistake
- shaker
- quake
- fern
- spore
- frond
- rhyzome
- reproduce
- fiddlehead
- rhubarb
- transport
- shipping
- locomotive
- tunnel
- tressel
- railroad
- track
- engine
In this unit we covered six of the rules of capitalization:
- capitalize the first word in a sentence
- capitalize the word "I"
- capitalize the first word in a direct quote
- capitalize proper nouns
- capitalize the names of the days of the week and the names of
- capitalize titles and names of family relationships when they are used
in front of a name
Here are some common prepositions:
at by for
from in into
on to with
Prepositions are words which show the relationship between words. Sometimes
this relationship has to do with location (is spatial) and sometimes this
relationship has to do with time (is temporal). Here are some examples:
The salt shake is on the table.
The cat is hiding in the laundry.
The umbrella is over the table.
Sam left after the game.
Joe put his spikes on before the race.
Jack ate a lot of candy during the movie.
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