Language Arts Grade Six
Unit Four, Lesson Two: VCV Pattern
- flake
- bake
- mistake
- shaker
- quake
- fern
- spore
- frond
- rhyzome
- reproduce
- fiddlehead
- rhubarb
- transport
- shipping
- locomotive
- tunnel
- tressel
- railroad
- track
- engine
VCV Pattern
Often the VCV pattern involves an ending letter "e". In this case the letter
e usually makes the vowel before the consonant a long vowel. Consider these
examples with and without an ending e.
tim time
cap cape
pan pane
grim grime
fin fine
war ware
But not all VCV words end with the letter e. Here are some VCV words which
don't end with the letter e:
mica strata data
copy loto gravy
tornado tomato potato
You should notice that in each of these words in which the VCV letter pattern
does not end with e, the VCV pattern gets split between two syllables. For
instance, the word "fine" contains "ine" which matches the VCV pattern. The
word "fine" is one syllable long. On the other hand, the word "mica"
contains "ica", which matches the VCV pattern. The word "mica", is two
syllables long.
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