Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Four, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. flake
  2. bake
  3. mistake
  4. shaker
  5. quake
  6. fern
  7. spore
  8. frond
  9. rhyzome
  10. reproduce
  1. fiddlehead
  2. rhubarb
  3. transport
  4. shipping
  5. locomotive
  6. tunnel
  7. tressel
  8. railroad
  9. track
  10. engine
Unit Review

This list contains several words with the ake letter pattern:

	flake			bake			mistake

	shaker			quake			

The ake letter pattern tends to occur at the end of a word.

Another letter pattern which occurs in this unit is the tr letter pattern. Here are some words from this unit which contain the tr letter pattern:

	transport		tressel			track

The VCV Letter Pattern

The VCV letter pattern is a very common letter pattern. As you know, VCV stands for vowel-consonant-vowel. Several words from this unit contain the VCV pattern:

	flake		bake 		mistake			

	shaker		quake		spore

	rhyzome		locomotive	engine

Many words containing the VCV letter pattern end with the letter e. Here are some words containing the VCV letter pattern which don't end in e:

	mica			strata			data

	copy			loto			gravy

	tornado			tomato			potato

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