Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Three, Lesson Three: Pronouns

  1. sprang
  2. wrangle
  3. slang
  4. angle
  5. angel
  6. timber
  7. lumber
  8. logging
  9. forest
  10. sapling
  1. hardwood
  2. hemlock
  3. cedar
  4. pine
  5. almond
  6. walnut
  7. peanut
  8. pistachio
  9. chestnut
  10. acorn

There are also possessive pronouns which refer to another noun and show that that noun owns something. Here are some possessive pronouns:

	his		her		their		my

	our		our		its

Here are a few possessive pronouns in action:

	My dog is the fastest dog in town.

	Doug says his dog is faster than my dog.

	Jane says that her dog is faster than both of our dogs.

Notice that "her" can be used as a regular pronoun and a possessive pronoun depending on context:

  REGULAR: Jane said that we can go along with her.

  POSSESSIVE: Jane said that we can pet her dog.

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