Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Three, Lesson Two: Homophones and Homographs

  1. sprang
  2. wrangle
  3. slang
  4. angle
  5. angel
  6. timber
  7. lumber
  8. logging
  9. forest
  10. sapling
  1. hardwood
  2. hemlock
  3. cedar
  4. pine
  5. almond
  6. walnut
  7. peanut
  8. pistachio
  9. chestnut
  10. acorn

Homophones are two words which sound the same, but which are spelled differently. There are a lot of homophones, here are a few:

	dear/deer		hear/here		bare/bear

	to/two/too		their/there/they're	rain/rein

	pair/pear		sea/see			I/eye

	new/knew		red/read		four/fore/for

	blue/blew		write/right		oar/ore/or

	won/one			sum/some		witch/which

	steel/steal		beet/beat		fir/fur

	wait/weight		wear/where		week/weak

	sent/cent		meat/meet		in/inn

You should spend a few moments to see if you can add a few homophone pairs (or even triplets) to this list!

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