Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Two, Lesson Four: Clipped Words

  1. snare
  2. glare
  3. rare
  4. square
  5. share
  6. boysenberry
  7. strawberry
  8. huckleberry
  9. raspberry
  10. blackberry
  1. blueberry
  2. fruit
  3. peach
  4. cherry
  5. grape
  6. agriculture
  7. wild
  8. rice
  9. irrigate
  10. aquatic
Clipped Words

A clipped word is a shortened version of a longer word. Words become clipped because they are used a lot and so people develop one- or two-syllable shortened versions of them. For instance, most people say "gas" instead of "gasoline" because it is so much easier to just say "gas". Similarly "fax" is short for "facsimile". Here are some more common clipped words:

	  advertisement			  ad
	  automobile			  auto
	  bicycle			  bike
	  cuke				  cucumber
	  influenza			  flu
	  mathematics			  math
	  airplane			  plane
	  typographical error		  typo

In many cases the shortened versions of these words aren't actually proper words and the full word should be used when writing reports and business correspondence. Of course, the shortened versions are fine for personal letters and notes.

Here are a few more clipped words:

	  refrigerator			  fridge
	  market			  mart
	  limousine			  limo
	  chrysanthemum			  mum

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