Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Two, Lesson Three: Verbs

  1. snare
  2. glare
  3. rare
  4. square
  5. share
  6. boysenberry
  7. strawberry
  8. huckleberry
  9. raspberry
  10. blackberry
  1. blueberry
  2. fruit
  3. peach
  4. cherry
  5. grape
  6. agriculture
  7. wild
  8. rice
  9. irrigate
  10. aquatic

Verbs are action words and they can take different forms called tense:


Here are these forms of run used in sentences:

	They ran a mile.
	They are running a mile.
	She is running a mile.
	They run a mile every day.
	She runs a mile every day.

Sometimes we are asked to convert a sentence written in the present tense (happening now) into the past tense (already happened). Here's an example:

	Convert the following sentence from the present tense
	to the past tense:

	  Jack is eating all the bacon.

	ANSWER: Jack ate all the bacon.

As you can see in the first sentence Jack is in the process of eating the bacon. In the second sentence Jack is done with eating the bacon.

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