Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Two, Lesson Two: Syllables

  1. snare
  2. glare
  3. rare
  4. square
  5. share
  6. boysenberry
  7. strawberry
  8. huckleberry
  9. raspberry
  10. blackberry
  1. blueberry
  2. fruit
  3. peach
  4. cherry
  5. grape
  6. agriculture
  7. wild
  8. rice
  9. irrigate
  10. aquatic

A syllable is a part of a word that is made up of one vowel sound. The word sound is in bold because sometimes two or more vowels work together to create a single vowel sound. For instance, the word syllable has three syllables (syl-la-ble).

Here are the one-syllable words from this unit:

	snare			glare			rare

	square			share			fruit
	peach			grape			rice

That's nine one-syllable words.

Here are the two-syllable words from this unit:

	cherry			wild			

That's two two-syllable words. The word "wild" is odd in that it only has one vowel and yet it is pronounced as two syllables.

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