Language Arts Grade Six

Unit Two, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. snare
  2. glare
  3. rare
  4. square
  5. share
  6. boysenberry
  7. strawberry
  8. huckleberry
  9. raspberry
  10. blackberry
  1. blueberry
  2. fruit
  3. peach
  4. cherry
  5. grape
  6. agriculture
  7. wild
  8. rice
  9. irrigate
  10. aquatic
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the "are" letter pattern. Here are some more words with the "are" letter pattern:

	blare			bare			dare

	aware			flare			scare

	spare			mare			care

The "are" letter pattern is most often found at the end of words.

Another letter pattern is "berry" which is a word all by itself. Here are the words from the list containing berry.

	boysenberry		strawberry		huckleberry

	raspberry		blackberry		blueberry

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