Language Arts Grade Six

Unit One, Lesson Four: Anagrams

  1. strap
  2. snap
  3. apply
  4. applesauce
  5. wrap
  6. petal
  7. sepal
  8. pollination
  9. stamen
  10. ovary
  1. attract
  2. insect
  3. potato
  4. border
  5. snake
  6. grand
  7. handle
  8. flower
  9. seed
  10. stem

There are tons of word anagrams and if you spend enough time you can probably come up with many more that are not listed in this lesson.

	snap - pans			stem - mets			are - ear

	pan - nap			peek - keep			peal - leap

	reed - deer			eat - tea			net - ten

The first couple of examples shown above involve words from this unit.

	tied - diet			net - ten			quiet - quite

	blue - lube			gear - rage			meat - team

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