Language Arts Grade Six

Unit One, Lesson Two: Alphabetization

  1. strap
  2. snap
  3. apply
  4. applesauce
  5. wrap
  6. petal
  7. sepal
  8. pollination
  9. stamen
  10. ovary
  1. attract
  2. insect
  3. potato
  4. border
  5. snake
  6. grand
  7. handle
  8. flower
  9. seed
  10. stem
Alphabetizing a List

You probably know that there are several tools you can use which will alphabetize a list for you. For instance, word processors will take a list and rearrange them into alphabetical order. The sort command available on Linux systems also makes sorting a list really easy. BUT sometimes you must arrange a list into alphabetical order on your own. This can be a tedious process, but it isn't all that difficult.

A tedious task is one in which there are lots of easy steps which can be very time-consuming. A difficult task is one which takes a great deal of effort and may or may not be time-consuming. Tedious tasks can be frustrating because of the boring repetition they require and difficult tasks can be frustrating because of how hard they are to accomplish. In both types of tasks you are likely to make mistakes. In tedious tasks you may make mistakes because your mind wonders or you fail to notice something. In difficult tasks you make mistakes because you have a hard time just doing the task correctly to begin with.

Hopefully alphabetizing a list is a tedious task and not a difficult task.

	Which of the following words comes between red and tomato 
	  in alphabetical order?

	A. banana
	B. silver
	C. very
	D. wagon

The answer is B.

	Which of the following words comes between blue and sky 
	  in alphabetical order?

	A. apple
	B. applesauce
	C. horn
	D. tree

The answer is C.

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