Language Arts Grade Six

Unit One, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. strap
  2. snap
  3. apply
  4. applesauce
  5. wrap
  6. petal
  7. sepal
  8. pollination
  9. stamen
  10. ovary
  1. attract
  2. insect
  3. potato
  4. border
  5. snake
  6. grand
  7. handle
  8. flower
  9. seed
  10. stem
Letter Patterns

Several words in this contain double letters:

	apply			applesauce		pollination

	attract			seed

Here is the list divided into groups according to the final letter of each word:


	p (strap, snap, wrap)			3
	y (apply, ovary)			2
	e (applesauce, snake, handle)		3
	l (petal, sepal)			2
	n (pollination, stamen)			2
	t (attract, insect)			2
	o (potato)				1
	r (border, flower)			2
	d (grand, seed)				2
	m (stem)				1

	TOTAL					20

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