Language Arts Grade Six

Unit One, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. strap
  2. snap
  3. apply
  4. applesauce
  5. wrap
  6. petal
  7. sepal
  8. pollination
  9. stamen
  10. ovary
  1. attract
  2. insect
  3. potato
  4. border
  5. snake
  6. grand
  7. handle
  8. flower
  9. seed
  10. stem
Unit Review

There are a few words from this list contain the ap letter pattern:

	strap			snap			apply

	applesauce		wrap

A few words from this list contain double letters:

	apply			applesauce		pollination

	attract			seed


You should be able to determine the alphabetical order of a group of words.

	Which of the following words comes between banana and cherry 
	  in alphabetical order?

	A. jacket
	B. custom
	C. applesauce
	D. bicycle

The correct answer is D.

You should be able to break ties between words which start with the same letters:

	Which of the following words comes between stain and strain?

	A. satin
	B. stuck
	C. shade
	D. stick

The corrrect answer is D.

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