Language Arts Grade Six

Unit One, Lesson Three: Nouns

  1. strap
  2. snap
  3. apply
  4. applesauce
  5. wrap
  6. petal
  7. sepal
  8. pollination
  9. stamen
  10. ovary
  1. attract
  2. insect
  3. potato
  4. border
  5. snake
  6. grand
  7. handle
  8. flower
  9. seed
  10. stem

Nouns are words that name persons, places, or things. Nouns can be singular or plural and they can be common or proper. Here are some examples of each type of noun:

  SINGULAR NOUNS: cat, tree, can, house, mountain, desk, mouse, goose.

  PLURAL NOUNS: cats, trees, cans, houses, mountains, desks, mice, geese.

  COMMON NOUNS: river, mountain, peak, city, lake, uncle, cherry.

  PROPER NOUNS: Mississippi River, Sierra Nevadas, Uncle Larry.

Here are some nouns used in sentences (the nouns are underlined):

  Jill and her brother went to Vermont.

  Jack had a lot of ants crawling up his pants.

  Jane went to Horace's Market to get some bologna.

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