Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Eighteen, Lesson Three: Prefixes: Under- and Iso-

  1. sample
  2. canyon
  3. leader
  4. creek
  5. nickel
  6. process
  7. identity
  8. reshape
  9. deposit
  10. freeze
  1. thaw
  2. election
  3. landslide
  4. volcanic
  5. mayor
  6. governor
  7. county
  8. represent
  9. agency
  10. seat
Prefixes: Under- and Iso-

Here are some words which begin with the iso- prefix:

	isobar			isoceles			isolate

	isotope			isometrics			isomorphic

	isotropic		isotherm			isotonic

The prefix iso- means equal or alike.

Here are some of the meanings for words beginning with the iso- prefix.

	isoceles - a triangle with two equal sides

	isomorphic - having the same form

	isobar - places with the same barometric pressure

	isotherm - places with the same temperature

	isotope - two forms of the same element

	isolate - to separate from a substance those parts which are alike

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