Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Eighteen, Lesson Three: Prefixes: Under- and Iso-

  1. sample
  2. canyon
  3. leader
  4. creek
  5. nickel
  6. process
  7. identity
  8. reshape
  9. deposit
  10. freeze
  1. thaw
  2. election
  3. landslide
  4. volcanic
  5. mayor
  6. governor
  7. county
  8. represent
  9. agency
  10. seat
Prefixes: Under- and Iso-

Here are some words which begin with the under- prefix:

	underweight		underachieve			understand

	undercover		underground			underwear

	underline		undergraduate			underage

The prefix under- means less than or below.

Here are some of the meanings for words beginning with the under- prefix.

	underline - the put a line below something

	underweight - less than the specified weight

	underground - below the ground

	underwear - clothes you wear under your other clothes

	underage - an age less than that required

	undergraduate - someone with less than the number of credits needed to graduate

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