Language Arts Grade Five
Unit Eighteen, Lesson Two: Adjectives and Pronouns
- sample
- canyon
- leader
- creek
- nickel
- process
- identity
- reshape
- deposit
- freeze
- thaw
- election
- landslide
- volcanic
- mayor
- governor
- county
- represent
- agency
- seat
Adjectives and Pronouns
Adjectives are words which are used to describe a noun in some way. Here are
some sentences with the nouns underlined.
Sam caught a green toad.
Jill swallowed a large pill.
Jane fed a hungry buffalo.
Adjectives can take three forms:
Regular Comparative Superlative
green greener greenest
large larger largest
hungry hungrier hungriest
mean meaner meanest
cold colder coldest
For many adjectives the comparative form is made by adding -er and the
superlative form is made by adding -est. Other adjectives cannot be modified
this way and the comparative is formed by using more (as in "more enormous")
and the superlative is formed by using most (as in "most enormous").
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