Language Arts Grade Five

Unit Eighteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. sample
  2. canyon
  3. leader
  4. creek
  5. nickel
  6. process
  7. identity
  8. reshape
  9. deposit
  10. freeze
  1. thaw
  2. election
  3. landslide
  4. volcanic
  5. mayor
  6. governor
  7. county
  8. represent
  9. agency
  10. seat
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with the le- letter pattern. Here are some more words with the le- letter pattern:

	less			level			handle

	trample			relevant		orleandar

	legal			principle		electric

The le- letter pattern is found at any point in a word.

Another letter pattern which occurs several times in this list is the ea- letter pattern. Here are some more words containing this letter pattern:

	recreation		tea			pea

	learn			each			eager

	eagle			team			beaver

The -ea letter pattern can occur anywhere in a word.

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